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A new newsletter on database engines, streaming systems, query planning (scattered-thoughts.net)
47 points by jamii on Jan 24, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Where do I subscribe? I get that you have a private and a public part, I want to subscribe to the public newsletter to check it out.

It would be nice to be able to subscribe and get a weekly e-mail. Sure, I check out HN but I might miss your posts anyway and it's a good funnel for your private newsletter!

Good idea. I'll figure out how to do that.

> Please don't use HN primarily for promotion. It's ok to post your own stuff occasionally, but the primary use of the site should be for curiosity.

Judging by https://news.ycombinator.com/from?site=scattered-thoughts.ne... this would have been submitted anyway. But I will be more patient next time. Nervous energy, you know.

That's what Show HN is for and this item could easily be made into such.

Not for newsletters: https://news.ycombinator.com/showhn.html

Newsletters aren't a great fit for HN in general, either, the same way that a magazine or a newspaper or a blog home page in general don't make great submissions. There's rarely anything interesting to say about them at that level, so it's much better to link to a specific article from the newsletter or magazine or blog, etc. Lists in general don't make great HN submissions for the same reason: https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&sor...

I hope it's clear that I'm not criticizing this newsletter at all, and that interesting specific articles from it are fine to submit. (Though I've noticed with the new wave of newsletters that it's sometimes technically hard to link to specific content from them. Not sure what's up with that.)

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