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JSON Schema existed in 2018, so if needed, JSON isn't fully schemaless.

JSON Schema doesn't prevent meta repetition and has no sense in the topic's context.

I'm not sure I understand what meta repetition is, but JSON Schema is a schema mechanism for JSON. _A_ schema mechanism. Maybe author meant something else, but, well, that's how it's called - and arguably it's a good name.


    [ {"foo": 1.2, "bar": [1,2]},
      {"foo": 3.4, "bar": []},
      {"foo": 5.6, "bar": [10,11,12] ]
could be shortened to

    [ { foo: real, bar: [ int ] ]
    1.2 1 2; 3.4 ; 5.6 10 11 12;;
which is significantly shorter and also confers important performance and safety benefits.

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