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A solution (ha!) to that is to make good coffee. Seriously.

I always liked the smell of coffee but never drank it since it made my heart race and it never tasted like it smelled.

Now with a cheap burr grinder, a French press, a scale, and coffee beans I make great coffee. I grind the beans coarse which is for the French press method. My formula is 30g ground coffee per 450g of water, brew for 5 minutes.

It's amazing how cheap coffee beans can taste great. Hints of chocolate, caramel, a toasty note.

If it's too bitter you brew too much or the grind was too fine. If it's too sour or ashy tasting it wasn't brewed long enough (seems counter intuitive I know!).

I've gone from sugary, milk or cream loaded coffee to just black. Anything in the coffee now ruins it for me.

edit: related to all this talk of coffee and insulin coffee guru James Hoffman did a test of coffee and insulin. He used a continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) device to measure his own metabolism.

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