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We should enjoy the view we have of The Moon, before the whole thing becomes a damned strip mine.

When species are getting extinct on Earth in our lifetime; many would be happy to give up the Moon for mining.

Is it too political? Well, you drew a tangent; I'm dragging it.

Political: West was indifferent to the plight/life of middle-east people for oil in 20/21st century. Needed little/no reasons to destabilise. When we can give up part of Earth for mining; I guess we'll think little about Moon when the time(profitable Moon mining tech) suits.

You can concentrate the most damaging industry on the far side.

That said, naked eye cannot see any traces of human civilization at all on the face of the Earth from the Moon. Even city lights at night are too weak to be seen without a telescope.

So why should we be able to see traces of lunar industry when looking at the Moon from Earth one day?

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