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The parent is obviously being sarcastic.

That is not obvious from the parent comment at all.

I hereby confirm I was being sarcastic, I really would like an answer to the second part though.

The failure mode of sarcasm is either asshole or idiot.

Generally speaking, it’s a high risk, low reward mode.

What stops solar collectors on earth from working consistently is atmospheric interference diffusing the light.

If you can figure out how to avoid creating dust clouds on the moon, which is not a small if, solar concentrators could provide a lot of the heat for the process, reducing the power needs to the electrochemical part.

Confirmation not accepted unless notarized.

Not sure why this makes me laugh, maybe because I know all to well how you got to be explicit with development teams.

On serious note isn’t there some type of future plan to put nuclear reactors on the moon in this decade?

I haven’t read the original article, but there have been processes for extracting oxygen from lunar regolith for a half century now. I’m not sure what’s new about this one.

In general these processes are energy intensive because they involve temperatures high enough to melt rock. On the Earth that is difficult to achieve because you need to keep the furnace hot. On the Moon with its hard vacuum, a large chunk of rock moved onto insulating material doesn’t radiate much heat. So all you’d need, really, is a large parabolic mirror. The Sun is your power source.

I think "on a more serious note" implies that what precedes it isn't serious.

He was obviously sarcastic.

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