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Surprising myself, as a long time breve partisan and hater of all things coconut, I've fallen hard for heavy coconut cream and now homemade oatmeal milk.

I started making oatmeal "cream" at home as base for my smoothies. (Two birds, one stone.) Put oats, chia, honey, banana, water in vitamix. Frappe a bit. Walk the dog (about an hour). Voila, oatmeal cream. Then add the other ingredients as normal.

Dr Google says the enzymes break down the oatmeal. I have no idea how or why.

Love the oatmeal smoothie base — my wife and I do something similar but substitute strawberry or blueberry for the honey.

The only issue with it as a cream substitute for me is that it’s heavy sugar. After not sweetening coffee, I find the cream complements the coffee flavor. Like all things, ymmv :)

Reading this comment thread from the top, for a moment I thought you were using this oatmeal cream for coffee. Do you? How do you make oatmeal milk (steps, duration, etc.) and what do you use it for? I’m looking for variations that people adopt and how they fare.

I'll try anything once.

Cream in coffee is proof God loves us. Half & half, milk, coconut cream are okay. Almond milk and oat milk are terrible. Soy milk is a crime.

I also use a lot of cinnamon, because I once read it does something for glycemic response. And I've grown to like it. Ditto turmeric.

Soy milk and Yerba mate is pretty good. Soy milk steamers (fresh ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg) are delicious.


From my brief googling, I understand that oat milk needs an enzyme. That's what Oatly does. You can buy some enzyme packets for home use, which I've never done.

I've read that honey and bananas also have an enzyme that works on oats. I already use both in my smoothies, so that's what I do.

Also, most howtos I've read say to filter the bulk. But I want the dietary fiber, the more the better, so don't filter.

I also use chia seeds, which makes the oat milk creamy like yoghurt. Someone smarter than me will replicate what I do, add misc tasty fruit, freeze it, and call it vegan ice cream.

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