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Just want to let people know, it is possible to lose weight while drinking diet soda and artificially sweetened tea. I personally lost 120 lbs (and counting) while drinking lots of sweet-n-low and aspartame-sweetened soda.

Anecdata isn’t data but I’d argue a study of 30 participants barely counts as useful data either.

Maybe the artificial sweeteners mess with glucose metabolism, maybe not. Maybe these things are more variable person-to-person than expected.

If you’re trying to lose weight, and you’re having problems with diet soda, maybe make a change. But if you’re drinking diet soda and artificial sweeteners, and also finding success, don’t let random low-sample-size studies scare you off.

Try 'Durianrider' on YouTube. His style can be abrasive, and he's very polarising (and the purely nutrition videos may be buried in the Social Media bs), but I too eat more sugar and am losing weight. When I 'diet', I gain weight. When I eat a lot, weight falls off me. YM(!)MV, of course.

Also I wonder why one needs to drink any soda at all. What's wrong with water? Simple plain water, not even carbonated. I don't get why so many people out there "can't drink it". Apparently it doesn't taste good. WTF? I mean yes you can taste differences in different waters based on mineral content and such but you get used to it. It's the _difference_ from what you're used to that makes it bad usually (again exceptions exist where the water just tastes bad - find other water). Ever been to Iceland? If not go look up what their water is like.

Carbonated water can be particularly refreshing. I find it can do wonders to settle my stomach if I’m not feeling well.

As a weight loss tool, diet soda is a great alternative to snacking between meals. Water, coffee, and tea all also offer that same benefit. IME it is easier to prepare cold soda than it is to prepare cold coffee and tea, at least with the devices I have in my kitchen.

I do drink plenty of unadulterated water, but its not an either/or situation. It is in fact possible, to enjoy water, coffee, tea, and soda, all in the same day. Some people will even throw beer and wine into the mix, but certainly if you wouldn’t drink soda, you would never consider beer, which is heavily caloric, tainted with poison, and carbonated.

I looked up Iceland’s water - apparently it smells of egg/sulfur. I don’t know why you asked me to look that up.

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