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ericdanielski on Nov 27, 2020 | hide | past | favorite

Extremely vague post. Doesn't even reference the original paper and the rebuttal? Links to a couple of tweets in the classic disinformation style, please flag.

At times it seems like scientific studies are competing on the most tweetable headline rather than the actual quality of the research.

it seems researchers have an incentive to make the most extreme climate change predictions as many view themselces also as climate change activists and feel policy makers will only take it seriously if they make the consequences seem extreme. in addition they are rewarded with press coverage and citations

> Rather, the model was designed by the study's authors, Jørgen Randers and Ulrich Golüke, two business school professors in Norway.

Business professors writing papers about climate science? What could go wrong?

They let anyone write papers about anything. Physicists regularly write papers on economics and linguistics. Both physicists and economists are probably busily writing crappy COVID papers right now. All we need now is for linguists to weigh in on quantum mechanics or something.

I seem to remember Juan Maldacena wrote a paper explaining gauge theory using Argentinian monetary policy.

Climate change is akin to a religion at this point. To the rational mind, you can agree that the climate is changing, but disagree with the severity, individual studies, the rate of change, etc. But publicly if you express any opinion other than “we are totally fucked and we need to be scared 24/7 as heat apocalypse consumes us all” you are some sort of anti-science climate denier. Nuance doesn’t exist anymore in this subject and sadly many others.

You look at a situation where non-climate scientists wrote a paper declaring "We're all doomed!", and climate scientists attack it for being too gloomy, and that's your take-away?

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