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Jason Fung is very methodical in his book as he covers all the popular diets, approaches, and studies around them showing efficacy.

He recommends Intermittent Fasting, which is not "starving yourself"


I'm sorry, what's the difference? If you want to eat, have food available, and force yourself not to eat until a certain hour, how are you not starving yourself? Especially when you do this many times over a long time

Because that definition would mean that almost every single person in the western world is "starving" at some point during the day. The definition is -

    "suffering or dying from hunger." (Oxford)
Starving is more extreme than hungry, just like suffering is more extreme than uncomfortable.

If you're looking to the Oxford dictionary then it sounds like you're just making a semantic argument. I was hoping to learn what the metabolic difference is.

> I was hoping to learn what the metabolic difference is.

Okay sure. But that's not what you said:

>If you want to eat, have food available, and force yourself not to eat until a certain hour, how are you not starving yourself?

Your argument hinged on food being available and consciously choosing not to eat it. That has nothing to do with metabolism.

We've been talking about metabolism, hunger has to do with metabolism, and you are the only one who has replied with a dictionary argument. Have a great day!

Three people replied to your comment, all correcting you. Several more have "replied" to our exchange with their up/down votes. Might I suggest that you were either wrong, or you accidentally failed in articulating your point? Both are perfectly fine. Mistakes happen.

I'm genuinely confused about why you're trying to prove by engaging me further. There's nothing more to say.

They made nonsemantic arguments, you made a semantic one. Not a big deal

Anyway I'm surprised that you read this all as people "correcting me". This is a mess of people shilling a diet book by a well-known quack, hence why the OP was downvoted to the bottom.

If you have a packed lunch available but your lunch break isn't for another hour, you aren't "starving yourself". Degrees matter.

More like eight hours repeatedly in this case but cool, good to know there's not really a fundamental difference besides "spread it out". I wonder how Jason Fung of Dietdoctor.com judges what an appropriate amount of time is and which biomarkers he monitors besides fasting insulin. He must have some pretty scientifically rigourous methods since the stakes in things like this are high.

Starvation is catabolic to muscle tissue. Fasting is catabolic to primarily fat stores.

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