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Why would that matter? This is for developers, not English majors.

I didn't down vote you, and your question deserves a serious reply because the same principle is broadly useful.

Communication is hard. People actively in the team probably have the context to understand the differences, but that implied context is what tribal knowledge is made of.

OP indicated that there were non-trivial "non-linear" differences going from 1 to 2 and -1 to -2. The use of numbers implies a relationship that doesn't really exist. The use of accurate language makes the actual meaning immediately obvious without the need for implied context. For example, I had no idea that only privileged devs could give 2s. "Accepted" and "Declined" do imply a finality that more accurately mirrors the intended usage.

This may seem overly analytical for something that is easy to just explain, but this kind of thing build up in layers.

Exactly this. It's not as if two +1s equals a +2 (which one night intuitively think based on the nomenclature).

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