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Exactly. A lot of us here talk about the increasing tracking and everything being ad financed. But when companies try for alternative sources to fund themselves we have people here complain about paywall.

I'm not going to personally install this and I'd pay publishers for their content. What I won't do is sign up for an expensive yearly subscription that is generally made difficult to cancel just so I can read a handful of articles a year.

Newspapers really need to offer a payment option that allows me to purchase access to a given amount of individual articles or purchase access to the entire site for a given published date just as if I'd paid for a printed copy and that access needs to be permanent.

You expose valid concerns and go beyond proposing possible solutions. There is probably a more complicated issue here, about difference between media agencies, and authors as content creators. At least, what you do is the positive and creative way to approach the problem. Probably a browser extension is not going to ruin the industry but is perpetuating that wrong mindset about how everything in internet must be free. A publishing model close to the vision you refer is the magazine subscription. Once we talk about the newspapers model, solutions turn into a challenge.

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