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> They were probably amazing (and much simpler) tools back in the day, but the world has moved and we're somewhat constrained by what's familiar.

Exactly my feelings about Phabricator. GitLab simply runs circles around it if you consider the issue tracking, CI etc. as part of the problem.

We moved from Phabricator to JIRA, Github and CircleCI. We couldn't be happier. It's one thing to have a single tool with 70% of the functionality you need, it's another to have 90%+. That 20% makes such a huge gulf it's not even funny. We were able to ditch several thousands of lines of cobbled together glue that moved us 10% forward but added overhead for any new project which set us back a week or more.

I would've loved to have Gitlab at our company, but unfortunately we're on a tight budget so they didn't want to go for anything paid.

Gitlab CE would be perfect, then, since it's free. If you're on a tight budget it actually seems like one of the best options available.

Tried self hosting once and it was challenging just to get setup. That said their free hosted solution is feature such enough for most of my projects.

I self host it at home. Haven't had problems but probably only because of how small my instance is (10 people). The omnibus installer makes it relatively simple to maintain!

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