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Positively charged electrodes provide a restoring force. The system effectively becomes a Penning trap.

I'm trying to target 15kev ion energies with my prototype so I was going to aim for 60kv on the end electrodes, and 0.35T for the magnet.

Do you have a paper or technical document available for reference? Im mostly wondering about the standard fusion device questions such as: In the anticipated final device, i assume ion currents will have to be low enough to avoid interfering with the external field? How will charge balance be maintained between ion and electron species? What is the anticipated center of mass energy distrubution for the ions? Does the proposed focusing approach run afoul of the Liouville theorem?

It's been difficult for me to visualize the 6D phase space of the design. I'm starting to see the particles lie on something like a deforming 4D shell that maintains it's volume in 6 dimensions.

Edit (further description of the 4D shell under the Liouville theorem):

When the plasma has large spatial volume, the momentum of particles at any point creates a 1D line forming an empty 4D shell. When all particles enter the 1D spatial focus the particle velocities there are essentially random and have large variation in all 3 spatial dimensions. Essentially a 4D sphere with only 1 dimension in space.

The result is a morphing 4D shell that collapses all particles into a focus with 0 volume once per period.

Actually... On further visualization the plasma seems to just form a 4D sphere that rotates and translates in 6 dimensions. The flatness of the 2 "missing" dimensions corresponds to the quality of the focus and synchronization of the system, so they are not going to ever be completely missing.

The focus is like what you'd get if you were looking at slices of a solid ball. You'd see a point grow into a large circle, then shrink again to a point. It's basically the view on the left side of the simulation on my website.

The right side of the simulation video shows a different cross section. The x axis there is the one dimension of the 4D sphere that stays in 3 space.

There is no peer reviewed paper or technical document. I've got the patent, and various grant proposals, and my various attempts to explain the concept online.

You are right that the ion current will be small. I'm anticipating that the plasma will be a non-neutral deuterium plasma.

The energy distribution will be thermal targeting 15kev for the prototype.

I wasn't familiar with the Liouville theorem. I'm not quite sure how to reconcile this. Seems a bit paradoxical. I'm going to have to investigate further.

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