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How can you tell? All "Languages" I get is "Java 100.0%".

The COBOL part is from memory. I'll have a look to see if I can find a copy floating around somewhere.

Edit: the transition appears to be more like 2016, and one of the commits then refers to a file generated from COBOL: https://github.com/Skatteetaten/trekktabell/commit/5181d86c5...

I did find an awkward source that lists the 2017(?) COBOL code for the tables - the core program seems to be last updated 1993 (Norwegian only) : https://docplayer.me/38761458-Beregning-av-forskuddstrekk-in...

> IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.  PROGRAM-ID. FT7P200T. AUTHOR. PER J. RISTUN. DATE-WRITTEN. NOVEMBER 1993 ----------------------------------------------------------------  * BESKRIVELSE : PROGRAMMET BEREGNER FORSKUDDSTREKK FOR ÅR 2017 * (...)

This is the one!

If memory serves, they updated the program for each year (I guess only numerical constants and small rule changes), but they probably didn't update the source in the documentation.

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