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Which is all dealing with retained, mutable data. Period. I'm not making the comment for the sake of pointing out _levels_ of abstraction.

I made the comment because such an abstraction doesn't at all map to reality.

> Which is all dealing with retained, mutable data. Period.

Only if you choose to model your system that way. You can push the same paradigm all the way through: immutable events, and pure functions that transform an event and a previous (immutable) state into a new state.

No, you really can’t, and that’s what all the functional/immutable evangelists don’t get: you can’t.

You’re going to recreate framebuffers and font atlases and invalidate your entire UI every single time? Good joke.

So much for "not pointing out levels of abstraction". Maybe somewhere in the guts of the low-level runtime a mutable framebuffer is being used for now, sure, but I don't care about that any more than I care about whether my processor is jumping vs doing a conditional move.

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