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I had a thought today that entanglement between particles could be the result of strings wrapping around two quantum particles, and that pulling on the string would result in a motion on one quantum particle that is inversely enacted on the other.

The knot around each quantum particle would have to be an inverse of the other knot for this to work. In theory, this idea would also make the entanglement of N-particles possible. Although, it wouldn’t be obvious to determine since for every even number of entangled quantum particles it would look like log2(N) pairs of entangled quantum particles and with every odd number of entangled particles each odd set would look like an even set of entangled quantum particles with an additional particle reflecting some seemingly uncorrelated state.

I do not have a deep understanding of quantum mechanics but wanted to share because my ideas like this often die with the last thought. Although, I am doing an independent study on quantum computing this semester and have found it to be very stimulating.

I'm not sure what you mean by "an inverse of the other knot". If you mean an inverse with respect to the operation of a connected sum of knots, then note that knots do not have inverses with respect to this operation. ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Connected_sum#Connected_sum_of... )

But I'm guessing you mean something else by inverse. Like, maybe just the mirror image of the knot, if the knot is a chiral knot?

What you described reminds me of these two things (visually):

1. 6-dimensional Calabi-Yau manifolds with Ricci flatness https://vimeo.com/81756249

2. Hopf vibrations: https://juliahub.com/docs/Porta/4MpHD/0.1.1/_packagesource/f...

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