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Getting downvoted, but this is no more arbitrary, myopic, and unfair to the applicant than the parent.

The Microsoft Defense Force has been activated.

Despite it, my statement remains true: I do, in fact, adjudge candidates the more favorably for a Gitlab account than a Github account. It demonstrates conscious choice in a knee-jerk world.

(Microsoft doesn't need your assistance, boiz.)

If I ever got minus points for using github rather than gitlab in an interview, I think my opinion of the workplace would be that they would rather focus on minute details rather than actual problem solving and social skills.

You would have no idea whether you got minus points for failing to make the jump to Gitlab.

You say that proudly? You'll judge a developer based on petty preferences, and then not do them the favor of telling them as much?

Must be a blast working there...

Have you ever been told why you didn't get a job? Any one of them could have been for failing to make the jump.

That said, I have never nixed anybody for being only on Github. And, thank you, it is a blast, but mainly because we don't have meetings.

Yep. I put all my new stuff on GitLab. It's just a better tool. Especially it's issue-tracking and CI (even considering actions)

I just link my GitLab very obviously on my GitHub

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