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Khaine on Sept 27, 2020 | hide | past | favorite

>Tinder settled a $23 million class-action age discrimination lawsuit—filed on behalf of some 230,000 people—in January last year, after it was alleged that the company charged users over 30 twice as much for its subscription services. As part of the settlement, Tinder agreed to stop charging people located in California, where the case was filed, different prices based on their age.

If I was King, I'd say this is perfectly fine as long as The Match Group ( Tinder's parent) clearly states the pricing tiers somewhere. My personal opinion is most people are better served by deleting their apps and being more involved in their community.

That said, this is downright illegal in most counties. You can't charge people different prices based on protected classes. It's like having a grocery store charge older people more since they tend to spend more time in the store.

Match's former parent IAC just spun them off. I reckon they know it's about to fall apart.

Anyway, I know I constantly meet better people once I went social media free. I'm much happier as well. Life is too short to spend it talking to bots on an app.

This seems to have become a lot more difficult in the post-app world. Nobody has their head up anymore. Also, I think only low match count people actually meet anybody on these apps. Something to think about if you’re frustrated.

Hehe, Over 50 straight males hooking up on tinder, just in case a girl wants to feel old age creeping up on her!

But really, I bet this outrage is comming from someone not even in that demographic. I think most of these old horndogs are more than happy to let younger people pay less if it means more of them are on the app.

It's kind of like how ladies nights used to work at the clubs and bars before the lockdowns.

This is all that is wrong with the world. If we truely believe in equality, we should treat everyone the same regardless of age, race, gender, or political belief.

But we do not, our laws reflect this principle and yet it is applied unequally, and shitty rationalisations like the above are given as to why unequal application is okay.

It is not. It mistime to treat people based on the content of their character and not their immutable attributes.

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