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Treating foreign media as a "national security issue" is extremely scary. This is not something that free societies do.

> Treating foreign media as a "national security issue" is extremely scary.

Not really. RT and Al Jazeera has (rightfully) suffered much of the same scrutiny. There's a fundamental difference between something extremely partisan (think Breitbart or HuffPo) and something state-sponsored. Let's not bury our heads in the sand here.

RT and Al Jazeera may suffer scrutiny, but the US government cannot ban Americans from reading them.

But this is tantamount to banning Americans from accessing the Al Jazeera website. It’s obscene.

> There's a fundamental difference between something extremely partisan (think Breitbart or HuffPo) and something state-sponsored.

Not really, free speech should apply even to hostile foreign propaganda.

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