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Please RSVP! We now typically have 25-35+ people in attendance, so to set aside room for us at the coffee shop, I'd like to have an accurate headcount.

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For other San Diego area tech / startup meetups, see the huge SD Tech Scene calendar: http://www.sdtechscene.org/

Pardon the n00b question, but: what's the general vibe? any agenda? RSVP'd and excited to check it out Friday. :)

It's basically HN but in real-life, and a smaller scale than HN itself (sans the trolls ;) ). People are nice and friendly. Generally unstructured, basically a social mixer. Main topic: techie stuff + entrepreneurship. Nothing else like this community in San Diego.

Emily, Scott and I will be attending. Look forward to seeing everyone else.

Looking forward to it. The last two meetups were great.

Looking forward to it! Hoping we get a great turnout!

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