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Targeting own population with military is unconstitutional though, with just a few exceptions.

We can define Nation X as the US and Target Y as US citizen and go down different scenarios and see when it becomes the right kind of violence.

A peaceful protest (this should be universally agreed on as a very bad target for military use).

Rioters that burn cars and loot stores.

White supremacists marching in the street.

Exact same actions as any above but we call it terrorism.

US citizens doing terrorism but which is indistinguishable from regular crime.

US citizens doing terrorism, where military weapons like bombs are used (we could also split this up based on what reason the terrorist have).


Target is not people, but actions in specific time and place.

Measures need to be justified and scrutinized.

When people talk treating everyone equal and banning speech that incite imminent violence, they don't talk about how they want exceptions when it is justified and scrutinized to incite imminent violence.

What is justified is also very subjective, an aspect which a lot of people brings up in discussions. Who get to decide when violence is justified? Is it the people, and if so, how should should we count the votes?

It is not decided by direct democracy and not by dictatorship. If people involved are unable to act responsibly, they are the wrong people for the job.

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