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I'm still not 100% clear on how the 2016 election was influenced on facebook. Both American parties say the Russians interfered in order to help the other side. Liberal FB employees are upset about Trump, while conservatives think they are being censored on the platform.

Can you point me to any clear, neutral, unequivocal research that illustrates the effect, including impact? Did it swing the election to Trump, or try to steal it from him? How does this compare to traditional political media advertisements?

Read this post by the Facebook VP - https://www.facebook.com/boz/posts/10111288357877121

As much as I hate Trump, many people are salty that he won and want to put a blame on something. That's it.

Where is his detailed analysis wether targeted political fake news articles based on personal data could flip swing states?

You're asking a variation of 'When did you stop beating your wife'

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