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Does package-lock.json not fill this void? It's been a thing for a few years IIRC.

Partially, like the yarn.lock it only filled half the problem. The other half is being able to have multiple versions installed at the same time and freely, confidently referencing the version I want.

node_modules can only have one version and it's not hard to have version drift even while having a lock. The standard answer is to do the `rm -rf node_modules` & install. Often that fixes whatever problem creeped in.

Blowing away a package directory to solve problems for years should not be the answer.

> The other half is being able to have multiple versions installed at the same time and freely, confidently referencing the version I want.

It's not well-known, but it is possible:

    "dependencies": {
      "sodium-native-2": "npm:sodium-native@2",
      "sodium-native-3": "npm:sodium-native@3"
> node_modules can only have one version and it's not hard to have version drift even while having a lock.

Don't get me wrong, npm is haunted, but I use it daily can't remember having experienced "version drift". The only reason I have to `rm -rf node_modules && npm install` is that `npm update` (even with --depth) doesn't do its job, so if you want to update all deep dependencies then you have to blow up your lockfile.

(Btw, if you are experiencing some "version drift" problem, I'd recommend `npm ci` as an alternative to `rm -rf node_modules && npm install`.)

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