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It's baby formula not protein powder. It's literally life-sustaining. Calling it merely "a food" misses the point because, other than breast milk, it's the only food very young infants can consume.

I'm not arguing that tampons and sanitary napkins shouldn't be FSA-eligible; I think it's 100% correct that they are. I'm just pointing out the randomness of what is considered eligible.

Food and water is necessary to sustain human life. Why isn't food and water covered?

Whether something is necessary to sustain life is not the criteria used to decide if an HSA covers it or not.

I was talking about FSAs, not HSAs.

> Whether something is necessary to sustain life is not the criteria used to decide if an HSA covers it or not.

And I'm arguing that the criteria, whatever they are, are arbitrary and stupid and need to die in a fire. Along with the the whole concept of FSAs. Yeah food and water are essential, but baby formula isn't ham sandwiches or avocado toast. It's the only food that a baby can have - it's an essential health item. That an account meant to pay for health expenses doesn't allow it is downright dumb.

Calling it a "flexible" spending account is downright Orwellian language. It's the opposite of flexible.

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