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Hah. When we did IVF, they had me sign up for that CVS plan. It was sold to me as an "insurance program" offered via CVS, and only good at CVS.

It saved me many thousands of dollars, which I assume was charged to people who had insurance that covered IVF drugs (mine did not).

I thought it was a pretty clever workaround on CVS's part.

Do you have any details on this? My wife and I are currently looking into IVF and the cost of the drugs alone is staggering.

I believe it was this:


But it was literally the CVS pharmacist who had me sign up when I went in the first time.

And yes, the cost of drugs are staggering. :( I was super jealous of my Canadian friends, who get one free baby with their national insurance.

I was also jealous of my friend who works at Merck. They make a lot of the drugs, and provide them to their employees for free.

> who get one free baby with their national insurance.

I read that the wrong way the first time... ;)

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