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Seems like it would be awesome if HTML allowed you to set a default element

    <meta default-element="div">
and then use

as a shorthand for

    <div class="card">
You could be "classless" to the extent of being semantic and succinct but without having to misappropriate elements.

The yesod web framework's hamlet templates have this, albeit without the default as far as I know. <section .card> compiles to <section class="card">. If you omit the element, it uses div by default so you can use just <.card> if you prefer.

If you want to do this, look into autonomous custom elements, you can make something like `<x-card>` …no class name required!

A workaround might be little more than running a sed command on the html sources before bundling.

why not just write <div class="card">

<s>Not nearly as cool as <.card>, sorry</s>

Or use a template engine. Slim for example allows you to write just .card

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