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> I don't know of any mainstream platform that died because of ads.

* Traditional television.

* Online websites of traditional newspapers - they wouldn’t have moved to paywalling if advertising was working.

* MySpace (not directly, but a contributory factor).

Traditional TV died? Not in the countries I've visited recently, as far as I know this may be a US-only thing.

> they wouldn’t have moved to paywalling if advertising was working

they surely make something on advertising because the ads are present even behind the paywalls.

I subscribe to the NYT - and I don’t like the fact there’s ads behind the paywall either - but at least they’re static ads for boring things like ING Bank. Comparing that to my local TV news’ website with Adblock disabled is night-and-day: auto-playing video ads embedded in content, clickbait “one weird trick”-ads, and no end of Share buttons either.

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