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Taiwan says WHO not sharing coronavirus information it provides (reuters.com)
67 points by doener on March 30, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

This is an important issue. Because the WHO feels it must defer to China in pretending that Taiwan doesn't exist, they are presenting a distorted view of the pandemic statistics by, for example, including the Taiwan numbers as part of China’s.

Here is a top official of the WHO pretending that he can’t hear a question from a reporter about Taiwan, then refusing to answer the question that he faked that he didn’t hear:


"Aylward's biography was removed from the WHO's leadership webpage directly following the interview.[11]"


This is the Chinese Government seeking to silence Taiwan's information dissemination, to outside of China and outside of Taiwan.

This time, it's using political power over WHO and the UN.

This causes the rest of the world suffering, by reducing the world's knowledge about the procession of the current pandemic gripping the world.

To me, this seems like a prelude to war by China on Taiwan.

I mean it's not meant to be a surprise. It's been the official policy of the United States since 1972. Specifically "the United States acknowledges that Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. The United States does not challenge that position." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanghai_Communiqué.

It's only a surprise because the US treats treaties like it says "as long as the grass grows or the water runs" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_removal

The 11 new battalions of anti ship ballistic missiles that china has fielded in the last decade would also presage that intent.

This is awful and Europe unworthy.

Get that Chinese influence out of it, immediately, please! Taiwan should get the information they need period

Duh the chinese have told you they would do this. If someone says they will do something believe them. Blame the western countries who been blatantly appeasing china. We forgot how bad these socialist dictatorships can be

The sad part is, China will likely end up getting away with everything scot-free. Politics as usual.

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