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One area where this becomes apparent is that in complex and layered system at least some of the bahaviours of a single layer do not make sense in terms of the system as a whole. Often it is wrong to attempt to let a layer on its own do the thing that seems most logical because actually the output of that layer is the input of another one and the total result is an interplay between the two. Attempting to make each one separately more logical would make both layers a lot more complex and would essentially be duplicating the relevant concerns into multiple layers, if not outright introducing bugs by introducing speculative logic that often turns out to be wrong in yet unforeseen cases.

Communication between its elements is the source of a system's emergent behaviour.

So yes, input/output streams (and where they originate and end up) are at least as important to the system as its discrete elements, if not more so.

This is very abstract to me. It'd be nice with an example

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