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Creator of YOLO and SSD algorithm stopped CV research due to ethical concerns (twitter.com/pjreddie)
40 points by DyslexicAtheist on Feb 22, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Has anyone on Hackernews ever worked or interacted with Joseph Redmon? From his CV/Twitter/GitHub he seems insanely eccentric.

For those not familiar with the guy, here's his CV (Curriculum Vitae, not Computer Vision this time):


I don't think pjreddie invented SSD, at least he's not on the author list.


Yolo is great though and a fork is very actively maintained on GitHub at alexeyAB/darknet. Darknet itself is a nice library that doesn't need any dependencies aside from CUDA. It's all C (albeit uncommented) and quite easy to walk through if you want to see at a low level how deep learning frameworks work.

CV: computer vision

I had to google

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