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The COVID-19 coronavirus and its economic impact (capitaleconomics.com)
13 points by alisonatwork on Feb 17, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

With 50% of the population of China under quarantine, I'm starting to wonder how the government is avoiding massive levels of starvation and power outages.

So far here in in Guangdong all of the supermarkets and wet markets that are open are fully stocked with fresh produce like eggs, meat, tofu and vegetables. Factory-produced stuff like instant noodles seems to be going through waves of reduced availability, but there still aren't any bare shelves.

The only thing that is completely sold out - and has been for weeks - is the facemasks that are mandatory to wear outside (go figure).

It seems that the agricultural supply chain at least is still working. Farmers are harvesting and drivers are delivering.

I am also worried about the power, though. Our building had a power outage on Friday morning last week which lasted 4 hours. That's especially inconvenient when so many people are essentially stuck in their apartments trying to work from home.

I'm not surprised. Farmers live and farm in rural areas. Rural places aren't on lockdown.

Even Wuhan still has food.

But there are still plenty of people starving: disabled people who's entire support network died or are in ICU. There is no-one to bring them food and they cannot get it themselves so they die of starvation. There are volunteers trying to go around but they cannot get to everyone in such a large city.

Also since the hospitals are focusing on coronavirus, people with other diseases or conditions are at the back of the queue and are having treatment or delivery of drugs delayed.

Sorry, did you say 50%? I haven’t read anything like that. I saw a quote for 50M in one article

Not sure there's much point bothering with facts on the comments here when these things come up, it's the bullshit asymmetry principle at work every single time.

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