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Huawei Official Acknowledges Ability to Clandestinely Access Mobile Networks (lawfareblog.com)
10 points by evanb on Feb 16, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

I feel uncomfortable when an analysis of a thread is taken in a so politically biassed way. We should ask ourselves if is any different with a network build by European providers or American.

The answer is no. Just we don't care if NSA, Cisco or Ericsson can do it, they are in our side.

Then why do we all overreact so much when 1 agent does A, while actually all the agents are doing A, and for ever they did before?

I do know this is not PC, I will get some karma down votes. Just willing to look at mediatic push of this topic of Huawei from a more broad point of view.

Many of us are uncomfortable with both on principle. It's not like most commenters here welcome NSA surveillance with open arms. If anything, a long standing culture of doing it here in the west normalizes it for all developing countries, who don't want to be at a disadvantage.

> I do know this is not PC

Why do you feel like your comment is not PC? Personally I see no reason why someone would claim that. In fact, I think you raise a very good point.

I am not sure that this reading between the lines is an acknowledgement. Since Huawei is a Chinese company and the native language is not English I am unsure that terms that have one implication in English have the same implication in mandarin.

He didnt though

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