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Apple Sidecar on Unsupported iPads and Macs (github.com/ben-z)
37 points by tosh on Feb 16, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

Three weeks ago, I used this repo to activate Sidecar on my 2013 trashcan Mac Pro and 9.7” iPad Pro.

When activating some features of Sidecar, my Mac crashed without so much as a dialog box. After three such abrupt crashes, I reverted the framework file.


Dev here. That sounds like step 8 wasn't completed without errors:

``` sudo codesign -f -s - /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SidecarCore.framework/Versions/A/SidecarCore ```

A properly signed SidecarCore modified with free-sidecar shouldn't cause random crashes.

When I have the time I’ll try again, paying special attention to the codesigning output.

I’ll report my results here, unless replies are closed, in which case I’ll comment in the repo.

IIRC there also used to be a com.apple.sidecar.display setting.

I expect the reason certain Mac and iPad models are blacklisted from Sidecar is that it was sluggish or glitchy running on them. Even on supported hardware, Sidecar is sluggish over Wi-Fi (though it works great over a wired USB-Lightning connection.)

Sidecar would be a lot more interesting if you could use it without Catalina.

Hmm, if only macOS had a backports system so that the best features of new releases (Dark Mode, Sidecar) could be backported to older releases (High Sierra) and you wouldn't actually have to upgrade. ;)

I can't imagine Apple doing that ever, so I guess that's an advantage of various Linux distros that support backports.

New software would be more useful if you didn't need to use the new software?

This is a blatant act of artificially making old hardware obsolete for no good reason other than force people to purchase new one. I wonder if there isn’t a law against that, at least in the EU.

They deprecate the feature on Macs without T2 chips because that's where the video stream encoding is done: in hardware. The CPU encoding performance isn't good enough.

Meanwhile, you can buy a Luna Display for your older kit to do the same thing with roughly the same performance, because that also does encoding in hardware.

And adding a new feature to newer hardware doesn't obsolete your old hardware. If Apple release a 5G phone in September, your not-5G iPhone will still work.

It's not making anything obsolete. Nobody is losing anything.

This is a new feature, which they have chosen to make available to recent hardware only.

I suppose you could argue whether the performance features of new devices is really necessary for this new feature to work well (and what does "work well" even mean - is occasional choppiness OK? How low does latency have to be?) but old devices are not losing anything because they never had this feature to begin with.

that's not how things work, apple products form an ecosystem, they work together : i buy an ipad pro, now i'd like to use the feature with my 2013 mbp. Oh, but i can't, because it's too old ( or is it ?)

Same thing with apple watch. i "had to" buy an iphone 6 at the time because my 4gs couldn't have the apple watch software installed.

This is equal to complaining i can't tank electricity with my old Diesel fuel Volkswagen, because the new models can.

It's innovation. There are (hardware, ...) limitations, so you simply cannot run the same software on old hardware.

> buy an iphone 6 at the time because my 4gs couldn't have the apple watch software installed

Apple Watch supported iPhone 5 and higher. It’s a limitation of the BLE stack on the iPhone 4S (the 4S has BLE, but there were issues with it).

I agree, it was just an example on how « adding something new » may cause existing hardware obsolete, if you look at it from an ecosystem pov.

They get accused of planned obsolescence either way.

Implement the feature on old hardware, but it’s slow or crippled? Planned obsolescence. Don’t implement the feature... planned obsolescence.

Well, the solution is easy : implement it everywhere the best you can, and make it optional so that you can disable it on slow hardware.

It's basically the way software updates has worked for ever. Only since apple ( because it controls both the hardware and software) do we see features not deployed on old hardware because it may eventually not give you the best experience.

...it's a new feature.

The features and capabilities on the old device are completely unaffected.

How is adding a new feature to other devices making an old device obsolete?

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