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US Congress Starts Review on Possible Modernization of the DMCA (torrentfreak.com)
44 points by rahuldottech on Feb 16, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Modernization means removing safe harbor provisions, the only part of the DMCA worth anything.

Oh it is certainly going to be worse than that. I doubt they will remove safe harbor because it protects places like YouTube and such, right? I expect they will require sites using safe harbor to automatically provide user tracking information for the copyright offenders to be fined and pay damages directly to media organizations or Thursday lobbying groups.

I doubt it will happen but I wish the consequences of filing false DMCA notices would be much more severe. Like Getty sending notices after images in the public domain, renditions of sheet music in the public domain on YouTube etc.

Whatever they change will not be for the better. The main thing that needs to be fixed with DMCA is its limits on reverse engineering that require constantly renewed exceptions from Library of Congress. Eg for jailbreaking.

FWIW, people might hate copyright in general, but as someone who had my own work stolen, I’m glad it exists.

Not a single suggestion in this article would improve the current dmca situation and most, if not all, would make things worse. Hopefully bipartisan squabbling will kill any proposed changes and leave this awful law as it is rather than making it even worse.

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