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I don’t know - adware, viruses, etc.?

With the tight security of iOS and to a lesser extent Android, I know a random app can’t do anything except what I give it permission to do.

I’ll download and try any random crap on my iOS device, I’m very careful about what I install on my computer. Right now, my home computer has nothing more than the standard development tools. My other computer has Office, Vuze (for uhh downloading Linux distros), and a Plex server.

When you can’t even trust the competence of companies like Google (https://support.google.com/chrome/thread/15235262?hl=en) not to screw up your computer or well known companies like Zoom not to install an auto reinstalling backdoor in your computer (https://www.zdnet.com/article/zoom-defends-use-of-local-web-...), I’m very wary of installing anything unnecessary on my computer.

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