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Can someone explain what is the issue with LGPL license? Do you plan to modify Qt code and add your proprietary secret stuff in it? Or you want to build one big binary proprietary blob? (what I liked about Qt it that is has been split in chunks so you can avoid depending on the entire framework if you just need the core.

The App Store explicitly forbids LGPL code.

That has not been the case for a few years, there are LGPL / GPL apps there again. (The issue was that you had to pay to upload a modified version of an app to your own device but this is not true since xcode 7 and we are at xcode 11...)

Sounds like an Apple problem, not a Qt problem.

It's unclear if you can fulfill the LGPL license requirements on locked down platforms like iOS.

I don't think the complaints there are well-justified. Buy the proprietary license for proprietary platforms. If you're already paying Apple for a developer account, the issue is really a matter of money, not principles.

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