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Researchers study how birds retweet news (sciencedaily.com)
44 points by ajaviaad on Feb 16, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

This is super interesting! I live in SF and recently have started getting regular visits from the local wild parrots - they stop by for snacks and rest almost every day.

I’ve been paying very close attention to their chatter (it’s hard not to lol) and I totally see TFA playing out. They are constantly listening and reacting not only to other members of the flock in the area, but also to crows and others birds’ calls.

It’s super fascinating to watch - they’ll all be napping or eating and will immediately stop what they’re doing on a second’s notice and all turn outward. Sometimes it’ll be from another parrot’s call, sometime from a crow’s, and sometimes I can’t tell what made them react (ha). They’ll also fly away en masse I’m equally short notice - all in sync.

When you start to pay attention, you realize that even in a densely urban place like San Francisco, the city is totally alive with various bird calls and chatter, and the birds are fully attuned to it all.

Surely they're feral parrots?

Interesting - I didn't actually know the difference and after reading, I think they're feral, but I'm not actually certain. There are a few different origin stories - some claim that they're descended from pets (feral), but others that they descended from imported (wild) parrots illegally brought over and sold as pets.

I live across from an apple orchard, which is full of bird species getting along - or sometimes not. Pheasants, particularly, are really good at alerting us all to what's going on - so many times I've heard that horrendous squawk alter resonance ever so slightly, looked up, and noticed a marten making its rounds along the tree line .. everything gone quiet.

Then, along the same tree line, we'll often hear the birds get super chattery and obnoxious, and .. sure enough a few seconds later, along comes a red squirrel leaping from branch to branch, getting ever more miffed that its cover is blown.

Still, nothing quite beats the pheasants. They are truly the watchdogs of the neighbourhood. We've come to listen closely to their calls in spring and summer - its a drama playing right outside our window.

Nuthatches are wise. Chickadees are so adorable. (Even love to say "Chickadees").

Love seeing an MT university on here. Go cats.

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