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Very few people actually work with simply writing stuff in Word or using Excel, most office jobs actually require some other tools like accounting and media creation. Further, you can not even watch higer resolution than 720p Netflix on Chrome

Only on Windows. On ChromeOS it supports higher resolutions:


Usual digitial restrictions management nonsense.

Simple rules of thumb: If you could switch to MacOS, then you could probably also switch to ChromeOS.

> Further, you can not even watch higer resolution than 720p Netflix on Chrome

Which is rather a DRM measure on Netflix' side.

There are a number of business apps coughQuickBookscough where there is not a whole lot of choice about the OS, if one is using the Desktop version of said app...

Time waster? How dare you! I enjoy that "wasted" time. ;)

please stop spreading the myth that ChromeOS is somehow immune to malware. nothing stops a dev from uploading malware to the Chrome web store, and there are many such cases that happened. the only meaningful metric of how safe a piece of software is, is the size and investment in the team responsible for the security of the product. And MS is leading in this aspect.

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