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Update to VMware’s Per-CPU Pricing Model (vmware.com)
10 points by ksec on Feb 8, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Another story was posted on Monday about this (no comments though) for anyone who'd like additional context:


So is it a scheme VMware and Intel planned together to sack AMD in the dark corners once again?

It wouldn’t surprise me at all if this was a quid pro quo for Dell(VMware owner) to get the highest tier of Intel availability & discounts.

So its a suggestion to try openshift or proxmox..

Tldr: VMware charged before per cpu. Now a cpu license only includes 32 cores so you may have to buy multiple licenses. This will get really expensive very fast with AMDs permanent increasing core counts.

Makes me wonder if there is any roll-over with the additional cores. If you have a dual processor machine, with 34 cores in each processor, you would have to get 4 licenses, 2 of which only cover a combined 4 cores. It seems less than ideal.

As it is written now, yes you would need 2 CPU licenses. I suspect over time this will be refined to something more core count based. I think most people in the VMWare universe have been expecting a change like this.

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