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Time to pull the iOS app, build a mobile web app, and have your customers send e-mails to steve@me.com expressing their displeasure.

I'll do one better than email Steve. This will be my last iPhone.

The iPhone 3G was my (first and) last iPhone because of other issues (the language lockdown). Actually not just my last iPhone but my last Apple Thing, period.

Voting with your wallet is the ONLY thing one can do to really get their attention (governments could step in on anti-competitive grounds, but that's not really something we can help with short of contacting our representatives).

If the user base just whines and moans while continuing to line up for the next shiny phone a week in advance of release to help Apple deliver record quarter after record quarter, Apple isn't going to change anything, they are just going to keep pushing and pushing. They've already shown that clearly in the past.. this is hardly the first questionable decision they've made in terms of controlling the iOS platform.

My startup is sponsoring a campaign to raise awareness for this issue.


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