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I Stopped a Credit Card Thief from Ripping Off 3,537 People (freecodecamp.org)
16 points by soneca on Jan 17, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

> I pulled up the scripts our team had created to programmatically refund all the fraud victims. "Damn," I thought. "If this script doesn't work exactly like it's supposed to, there's no telling what could happen."

> [...] Lesson #2: It's OK to go manual sometimes

I'm not going to disagree that SOMETIMES a manual approach is better, but where's the part that validates the decision to the degree that it becomes a "lesson" from the incident? Just the fact that they managed to finish?

In my opinion, yes. It managed to solve the problem successfully without the risk of using a script.

So why would refunding these transactions render the credit card thief unable to use these cards?

In any case, I’d guess this was traffic from a checker used by multiple people or some market site. Odds are the valid cards were immediately used elsewhere.

The refund action included a second action reporting the transaction as fraudulent. Banks treat that as an alarm signifier.

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