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Show HN: Messaging App (ironnotice.com)
12 points by garyhbutton on Jan 16, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

How did this reach this high on HN? Also source?

I do not know. What source?


Here is the client source code: https://github.com/ghbutton/iron-client

I made a little desktop end to end encrypted messaging app

end to end without self hosted open source servers have (among others) a tradeoff: either opaque server you can't trust at all, or no offline messages. Which one you decided on?

I was thinking of making the client code open source (eventually) so that users can know that their privacy is respected

So you choose opaque server. At least do not hide the offline validation as deep as whatsapp and others do.

also work with linux/android distros do distribute the built from source client. otherwise, it's just more of the same


I wanted to send my tax person my documents but he used email which I am a little uncomfortable using so I figured I could build an app

Reminds me of _The General Problem_ [1].

[1]: https://www.xkcd.com/974/


I wish you luck on your app!


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