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This is super cool, I love seeing the history of modules. I recently published my first module on https://Paper-Minis.com . Its specifically for First Time DM's (or d&d players who want to run a one-shot for the group) It needs zero prep and includes minis, maps, puzzles. My experienced DM friends like not needing to go through hours to run a oneshot, and its great way to bring new groups into the fold. I wondered how many people want to become a DM or run a one-shot but can't break in, and thats why I made this :)

You should throw it up on https://www.drivethrurpg.com/ and https://www.dmsguild.com/ that's where I tend to look for modules.

Thanks! Honestly im looking to find a different niche than the standard module by including literally everything. I hope to mke it as fun for the DM to experience on the fly as the players. Does that make sense? Basically for people who dont have alot of XP or Time to be able to run a game for their friends.

I usually release part of the modules for free to download as well, check this link: https://paper-minis.com/en/download-minis-puzzle-handouts-ba...

Also im looking for artists and content creators so contact me on the site if you're into writing or illustrating fantasy!

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