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Snowden did suggest that scene in the movie, but didn't say he'd actually smuggled anything like that.


> “First of all, I just wanted to say that none of us know [how it happened],” Stone said at the Q&A, when asked about how they came up with it. “[Snowden]’s the only one who knows, and one day he may reveal it. And number two, it was his idea — it was a suggestion that we responded to and ran with.”

I'd imagine they would have done forensics if he was caught with an sd card at a checkpoint, but I'm not sure one would set off a metal detector in the first place. It's more likely a security org would epoxy the sd and usb slots on computers with confidential data, or have audits for any usb devices the hosts encounter.

Some more context...

"He [Snowden] said that the Rubik’s cube was put in for the film and he wouldn’t be divulging how he smuggled out information. However, he added, everyone in the office did have a Rubik’s cube. “So they were floating around and coming in and out all the time,” he said."


To me he's at least suggesting a similar glaring shortfall in CIA processes that let him smuggle it out.

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