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Wow, a simple blog post that could be served and rendered to me in less than a second (mobile iOS) takes ages to load with a spinning disc, ages to render everything and some charts are lazy loaded when in view and take a long time, and an unresponsive scroll bar.

I suggest get your posts on your own domain not this coda thing whatever that is. Stick on CDN hosting like netlify for free. Use simple images or svg. Eschew Javascript for showing static content. It’s was too slo to read so I didn’t.

Example: https://superjavascript.com/t/typescript/ - that loads fast!

My connection speed and latency are good by the way.

Coda is a knowledge base, much like wikis such as Confluence. It's mostly used inside businesses, so I imagine he just made this page public. Making it hyper optimised for anonymous web traffic is almost certainly a non-goal.

Sure, I am not saying Coda should change at all.

I am suggesting that if you want to blog, and want people to read what you blog, to host it somewhere where it is readable on the widest range of devices. If a iPhone 6 with a 20Mbps mobile connection is too antiquated to render the site, then they are probably cutting out a lot of audience.

I don't know Coda, so I'll use the Confluence (which you suggest is similar) as an example. If I am using Confluence it is because I have to, for work. I will make a provision that maybe I can't read it on mobile and I need to be at my desktop. If I am reading a blog post from hacker news, I probably wont go to the effort of bookmarking it later to read on a desktop PC.

Exactly. I know it's an awkward and inefficient way to share a blog post but I liked the idea of people being able to explore all the data.

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