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I'll provide a specific issue I had, which is that the charts don't provide good units or labels. For example, on the Week by Week breakdown chart the vertical axis is labeled "Duration" and and has bars that range from 0 to ~2.0, but no units written there. Neither hours or days really make sense (hours are too short, and from the rest of the post it is pretty clear the author works more than 2 days per week).

Now going back to look over the post to write this response I happened to mouse over the chart (something that I could do because I happened to be at my computer, but something I missed the first time on mobile) it actually showed me the values for each segment, and I was able to figure out what was going on. The units are days, but they are 24 hour days (since the entire post is about work schedules I would have assumed 8 hour days). That explains why the maximum tend to be ~2 (because 2 days is 48 hours). The chart would be a lot more intuitive if the duration was in hours, and no matter what the units should be labeled explicitly (in this case I would use "24 hour days").

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