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> These are factors with measurable real-world impact on your fellow citizens, and, I would submit, more important than your paranoid secrecy wrt your dietary habits.

1. Why is this one or the other? Can't we have efficient cars that also don't track us?

2. How, in 2020, do people still not understand how serious location data is? In the USA, and likely anywhere that has cars + little public transportation (like rural areas), your car basically displays your life. Where you live, work, eat, meet people, attend events, etc. How long until law enforcement asks for all people who drove near a protest/rally? Or advertisers get that data and start targeting you based on where you drove? Why should a freaking car company (who is 100% guaranteed going to sell your data) have access to your entire location profile? The thought of this alone is frustrating and maddening because of how easily we hand out our data. People have no idea how powerful bulk collection of user data is.

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