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Heh it's not paranoia, it's just a matter of privacy. Then again, my phone already knows, so it's moot. Crash safety has come a long way, no doubt. But mileage really has not.

For all the complexity of a modern Suburban (at over $50K USD!) it gets 14 MPG around town and up to 23 MPG on the highway. Mine gets about 14/17. Since most of my driving is local, it doesn't really matter.

FWIW unless you have a diesel your official city mileage was 11 when the car was new. But as someone who has to live near other people and use roadways myself, I'm more concerned about tailpipe emissions. NOx standards are literally 100x more stringent starting in 2025 than 30 years ago (50x now compared to 1988).

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