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They're publicly well known, and as far as I'm aware they don't have any rules against telling people you're a member. Many of their temples/lodges/whatever you want to call them are identified somewhere on the facade (Freemasons' Hall in Edinburgh for example is available for hire as an event space).

However, what they do and talk about within the lodge is secret.

> They're publicly well known, and as far as I'm aware they don't have any rules against telling people you're a member.

2B1ask1 is a Freemason slogan: To become a Freemason, ask one about joining.


In fact, from the page:

> If you are seeking Membership YOU MUST ASK a Mason or a Masonic Lodge for an application.

Can't very well ask one if the fact they're Masons is supposed to be a secret.

AFAIK there's no explicit rules against telling others that you're a member of the brotherhood

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