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There is an urban fantasy series called "The Rivers of London" series after the first book (or "Peter Grant"-series after the main character) and magic interferes with (in the sense of completely fries) more complicated electronics there, so his master (the last fully qualified wizard of Great Britain) also drives an old Jaguar that is all-mechanical and therefore magic-proof. Very entertaining series with lots of references to current pop culture.

Edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaguar_Mark_2#Portrayal_in_med...

Sounds like Battlestar'ing your transportation. A very popular modification scene in the car world.

I have converted modern cars to points and carbs, its not that difficult. No reason you couldnt drive any car with some motorcycle carburetturs clamped to the intake runners. Hardest part is spinning the rotor and remembering how to set your points. Never drive-by-wire cars will need a throttle cable, and a manual transmission is the only electronics-free option. I have heard a simple mechanical relay logic system can control many autos, but have never tried.

Sounds very similar to "The Dresden Files". The main character is forced to drive around in an old car, since his magic interferes with electronics.

That poor car... It was almost a character of the series and it was always getting the worst end of things. I would drive a beetle if I didn't know it would kill me in an accident. One almost killed my dad.

Yes, but Peter Grant drives a Ford Asbo (Ford Focus ST), which presumably has electronics. He just needs to remember not to do magic while driving.

Hogwarts interferes with modern technology too. :)

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